Page 53 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
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united way takes great care in determining what organizations to 
partner with and fund. more that 150 volunteers are involved each 

year in visiting and looking into local nonproits before funding 
decisions are made.

the uWA as an efficient, convenient, peer underneath the umbrella to the listed almost 50 “community invest- 

and reputable means to contribute uWA’s local affiliates and partners. In ments”—groups and organizations that 
their often-sizable gifts to groups and East Tennessee, that starts with the were recipients of united Way mon- 

causes the uWA has vetted. Moreover, uWgK—an organization whose diverse ies—and almost 100 specific programs 
because of the uWA’s size, profile,
board includes representatives from within those organizations. About one 

and versatility, many employers have area schools as well as the Chamber of sixth of the dollars the uWgK received 
made it the go-to organization for Commerce and TVA. Ben Landers is in were designated by their donors. When 

designating direct payroll-deducted his 20th year as President and CEo.
unspecified, the uWgK decides how 
contributions—in some cases, matching best to allocate donations.

employee giving dollar for dollar.
Each August, the uWgK launches
Even so, charitable acts transpire The uWgK has been using partner its annual campaign, with the goal for 

in one individual life at a time. Big agencies since 1922 to achieve its three the last two years being $12 million. 
statistics give the scope of the uWA’s goals of education, promoting financial Two months later and by the time TVA 

impact, but they do little to personal- stability and independence, and im- donated $50,000 in october, the uWgK 
ize its work or motivate a would-be proving health. Its motto is simply, “We was already more than halfway there. In 

donor’s heart. For that, you have to
help people.” Last year’s annual report
addition to TVA, major local corporate

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