Page 54 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
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the three prongs of the united way approach 

are education, income, and Health. with these 
goals in mind, the organization raised more 

than $11 million in 2012. these funds were 
used to beneit more than 100,000 people in 

the greater Knoxville area through partnering 
with more than 40 nonproit agencies.

campaigns include Pilot Flying J, Clay- As for Pilot, each october, the com- the movie’s premiere at the Regal Riviera 

ton Homes, Regal Entertainment, and pany sponsors “Pilot Celebrity Pumpers,” on gay Street, partake in an hour-long 
Scripps Networks Interactive.
a three-day fund-raiser in which many reception, complete with beer, wine, and 

Through Battele oRNL and employee local celebrities and leaders such as popcorn. Proceeds again benefited the 
payroll deduction via Campus Chest, the County Mayor Tim Burchett, City Mayor uWgK, specifically its Young Leaders 

university of Tennessee is also an irre- Madeline Rogero, and Congressman Jim- Society, which the uWgK is promoting 
placeable area partner. In harmony with my Duncan take turns filling gas tanks at to attract new leadership and commit- 

the university’s nickname of the Volun- area Pilot stations. It is the single-largest ments for the charity’s future.
teers, uT employees last year donated fund-raiser for the uWgK’s annual Another September event as well as 

more than $600,000, and oRNL col- campaign, and for every gallon sold, Pilot collaboration with uT was the “Rock 
lected $926,000 on behalf of its workers. donates a nickel to the organization. This This Way” battle of the bands held at

uT football coach Butch Jones kicked off year the event raised $86,200—which the Relix Variety Theatre, where for $7 
the oRNL’s “Think 13” united Way cam- was more than a 30 percent increase attendees could hear four bands from 

paign this year, uT basketball coach Cu- above last year’s total.
different genres compete for a $500 
onzo Martin oversaw the Cuonzo Classic In September, Regal Entertainment prize. o Youth, a Christian youth rock 

golf tournament in September (featuring previewed the Formula 1 racing film band, triumphed over Cereus Bright,
coaching staff and former Vol players Rush in a special movie night that, like the Plunderphonics, and Maplehurst. In 

with proceeds going to the uWgK), and the great Conversation, was as much addition to raising money for the uWgK, 
uT’s director of broadcasting and voice about networking as cinematic diversion. promoters hoped the contest would raise 

of the Vols Bob Kesling is the uWgK For $10 attendees could, besides seeing
student awareness of the organization.
campaign chair for the second year in a 

row. Nationally, united Way’s colors may FEDERATED GIVING
be blue and white, but the Knoxville af- Although the uWgK raises funds 

filiate likes it some orange.
itself, the united Way’s trademark is 
Besides the great Conversation, Mc- serving as a community chest—which 

Carty has rolled out many other “refresh- means something different in the 
ing” and imaginative fund-raisers. Last world of charities than in a Monopoly 

year, the uWgK teamed with Young game. A federated giving program
Professionals of Knoxville for the Blind lets smaller nonprofits band together 

Wine Event, hosted by the Bridgeview for greater clout and centralization
grill on Neyland Drive. For $35, at- of common tasks, much as how the 

tendees taste-tested various donated 50 states coordinate with the central 
vintages—as well as craft beers—with
government in Washington, D.C.

a lucky few taking home prize baskets How does this coordination work? 
brimming with adult beverages. Because All member organizations agree to 

of its initial success, McCarty decided to participate in and submit to united 
repeat the tasting this year in November Way Worldwide, “a community-driven 

at the Standard.
self-assessment of their community

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