Page 56 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
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impact work, financial management, Those smaller organizations at the local level are where the funds raised are 

decision-making, and organization spent, the good works done, and people helped. In this article Cityview introduced 
governance.” By providing financial the uWgK as a central structure for coordinated giving. In successive issues 

and ethical oversight, the central throughout the rest of the year, this magazine will profile five uWgK partner agen- 
governing body can assure donors cies and how they operate within that structure to achieve their organization’s goals:

that they are contributing to sound, 
responsible nonprofits that have the 

united Way’s “seal of approval.”
In return, the charities receive The largest recipient of uWgK funding, this volunteer 

promotion and inclusion with all the organization provides emergency shelter, housing, and resi- 
other causes the united Way sup-
dential treatment to help families and individuals rebuild 

ports. Plus, the united their lives and achieve self-sufficiency.
Way can collect and 

distribute contribu- EMERALD YOUTH FOUNDATION
tions on each charity’s An urban youth ministry that takes more than 1,000 at-risk 

behalf—including via boys and girls each year and walks with them until they are 
the all-important pay- young adults, poised to be leaders in their communities.

roll deduction. As with 

tures, the setup com- PREGNANT AND PARENTING TEENS
bines the strengths
A program to provide therapy and a residence for teenage 

of centralization of parents and their children.
oversight and other 

with the granularity
The provider of primary rescue services to Knox County 

of individualism: small, idiosyncratic and secondary rescue services to the City of Knoxville, in- 
causes such as a summer camp for cluding all services that employ tools and skills that exceed 

special needs children in Minnesota fire fighting and medical emergencies.
can enjoy a higher profile than would 

otherwise be possible without the LEGAL AID OF EAST TENNESSEE
united Way’s marketing muscle.
An organization tasked with ensuring equal justice for 

elderly, abused, and low-income people by providing them 
with legal assistance and advocacy.

Mark Spurlock is a freelance writer and sometime computer 
programmer who lives with his two children and several ani- 

mals in Maryville. Besides all forms of writing, his interests By profiling these agencies and telling the stories of individuals affected by their 
are education, the Internet, politics, and the performing work, Cityview plans to give its readers a glimpse beyond the overarching structure 

arts. You can reach him at
that undergirds the uWgK edifice.

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