Page 64 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 64


by oana Harrison


Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables are nutrient-dense— 

and the most powerful anti-cancer foods, too.


The name “cruciferous” comes from 
the Latin for “cross bearer”—and it 

reflects the shape of the flowers, which 
have four equally spaced petals in the 

shape of a cross. The cruciferous fam- 
ily is as large as it is diverse. The most 

well-known members include: arugula, 
bok choy, broccoli and little brother 

broccolini, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, 
cauliflower, collard greens, escarole, 

green beans, horseradish, kale, mustard 
greens, rutabaga, spinach, Swiss chard, 

turnips, and watercress.

We focus here on spinach, kale, and 
Brussels sprouts: The true godfathers 

of the cruciferous family packing the 
most vitamin power.
actual 3.5 milligrams it contains. Taking also contains a healthy dose of fiber that 

the story further, Popeye the Sailor binds bile acids, which helps lower blood 
Man ate spinach by the can in order to cholesterol levels and reduces the risk

Spinach originated from Persia in the stay strong. While spinach does help of heart disease—especially when kale is 
2nd century and made its way into muscles by facilitating oxygen flow,
cooked instead of consumed raw.

Europe around the 8th century thanks
its actual muscle building power is 
to Arab agronomists who used sophis- overrated. The true power of Popeye Brussels Sprouts

ticated irrigation techniques to grow was in his ability to boost consumption “Brussels Sprout, Brussels Sprout./You’re 
spinach in an arid environment. Spinach of spinach in the united States by 33 one food I can live without./I tried to feed 

entered Spain in the 12th century and percent during the early 1930s.
you to the dog but he spit you out./Dog- 
gained the nickname “captain of leafy gie won’t eat no Brussels Sprout.” That’s 

greens.” This Captain earned its stripes Kale
how a song written by Madeline L. Pots 
for being an iron powerhouse by mistake. Spinach might have received a lot of (de- goes. Infamous for getting a nose turn 

In 1870, german chemist Erich von Wolf served and undeserved) credit for Pop- from everyone, Brussels sprouts can actu- 
was researching the amount of iron in eye’s muscle power, but he might have ally be delicious if they are fresh and not 

spinach when he misplaced a deci-
been better off choosing kale. Although overcooked. In addition, they bring with 
mal. Thus, he bestowed upon spinach similar in nutrients, kale is a nutritional them a good dose of nutrients that can re- 

gargantuan iron powers of 35 milligrams powerhouse and trumps spinach when it ally boost your body’s anti-cancer fighting 
per a 100 grams serving—instead of the
comes to vitamins A, B6, C, and K. Kale
powers. give Brussels sprouts a chance!

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