Page 66 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 66


ach is an excellent source of free radical- 
Cruciferous vegetables are powerful scavenging vitamin A, energy-producing 

cancer fighters, packed with vitamins, iron and vitamin B2, heart-healthy folate 
fiber, and disease-fighting phytochemi- and vitamin B6, immune system boosting 

cals. Although all vegetables contain vitamin C, vitamin E, iron, bone-healthy 
protective micronutrients and phyto- potassium and vitamin K, magnesium, 

chemicals, cruciferous vegetables have a manganese, and calcium. Spinach is a kale has a very low caloric content and it 
unique chemical composition: whenever very good source of digestion-supportive can help manage type 2 diabetes when 

these veggies are blended or chopped, a dietary fiber, muscle-building protein, added to any diet. In addition, kale is a 
chemical reaction occurs that converts anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, good source of antioxidants such as beta- 

their sulfur-containing compounds to and heart-healthy niacin and selenium. carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin. Kale 
isothiocyanates (ITCs). ITCs are com- Spinach has a high concentration of contains the anti-inflammatory antioxi- 

pounds with proven anti-cancer activi- health-promoting phytonutrients such dant quercetin, which protects against 
ties and some have anti-inflammatory, as carotenoids (beta-carotene, lutein, arthritis and memory loss, as well as 

antioxidant, and immunologic effects. and zeaxanthin) and flavonoids, which riboflavin, a B vitamin that may protect 
Although the National Cancer Institute provide powerful antioxidant protection. against migraines.

recommends five to nine servings of Because of its high fiber and low caloric 
fruits and vegetables per day for cancer content, spinach can help manage type
Brussels Sprouts

prevention, they have not yet established 2 diabetes and is a great addition to any Notorious for their sewage-like smell, 
specific recommendations for crucifer- weight loss plan.
these bad boys of the family are actually 

ous vegetables.
misunderstood: they are really delight- 
ful once you get to know them and cook 

Here are some interesting stats about this We should always write Kale with a them right. Most people cook the sprouts 
mighty vegetable family:
capital K! Why? Kale delivers 684 per- whole—and often over-cook them. You 

• Cruciferousvegetablesaretwiceas
centoftherequireddailydoseofvitamin canbringoutthelovablesideofBrus- 
powerful as other plant foods when it
K (spinach, by comparison, delivers
sels sprouts by cutting them in half or 

comes to decreasing the risk of cancer.
181 percent). Words to the wise: since quarters, which reduces the cooking time 
• only three servings of cruciferous veg- vitamin K is a coagulant, consult your needed. You can also add some herbs and 

etables per week can decrease prostate doctor before eating a lot of kale if you salt and gently saut́ them for a nice side 
cancer risk by 41 percent, as compared
are taking blood-thinning medication, as dish; a saut́ will help the sprouts retain 

to 28 servings of other vegetables per large amounts of vitamin K can interfere their freshness and crunch.
week that decrease prostate cancer with the drugs.

risk by 33 percent.
All cruciferous vegetables contain gluco- 
• one or more servings of cabbage per This slightly bitter green gets sweeter
sinolates, which are a type of phytonu- 

week reduces risk of pancreatic cancer in the winter, but the nutrients it packs trients. However, Brussels sprouts have a 
by 38 percent.
are a sweet reward year-round: one cup total glucosinolate content greater than 

of kale provides a day’s worth of A and
the amount found in mustard greens, 
C vitamins. Kale delivers three and half turnip greens, cabbage, kale, cauliflower, 

As a proud member of the cruciferous times as much vitamin A and 10 times as or broccoli. Brussels sprouts pack 161 
family, spinach is a mighty green. Spin-
much vitamin C as spinach. Like spinach,
percent of the daily required vitamin

Nutient Spinach
Kale Brussels Sprouts

a 56%
eye and skin health
206% 24%
b6 9%
Heart and brain health
3% 14%

tissue growth and repair
1% 161%

K 684%
bones and blood clotting
181% 274%
folate 5%
fetus health
15% 24%

iron 5%
blood health
3% 7%

calcium 9%
bones and teeth
3% 6%
copper 10%
red blood cells, nerve, and immune health
2% 6%

magnese 26%
connective tissue
13% 18%

(percentage of daily recommended intake per 1 cup consumed)

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