Page 106 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
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30 years

True City Magazine (2002-2004)

s Nathan Sparks media figures, and more. Cityview’s of course, city magazines cover a wide, 
stepped into his second goal was simple: To showcase Knox- eclectic variety of subjects, and Cityview 

year as the publisher
ville’s best and brightest, its most inter- was no exception. That same issue also 
of Cityview, the magazine continued to esting people, places, and events.
included articles on local authors Rich- 

grow—and to expand its range of cover- In June 2003, the magazine featured ard Yancey, Lisa Horstman, and Jack 

age. “The country was just beginning to a cover story on local radio talk show Mauro; a guide to the best whitewater 
recover from the September 11 attacks,” host Hallerin Hilton Hill and his new rapids in East Tennessee; and a practical 

says Sparks. Cityview had a part to play television show Everything is Possible, piece on helping to reduce childhood 
in reminding our city that though the which had debuted on May 4 of that obesity with tips from local Knoxville 

Twin Towers had fallen, Knoxville still year. “I’m an amalgamation of oppor- experts. As the years went by, the maga- 
stood strong.
tunities that have come my way and zine stepped ever more firmly into its 

The Cityview team reached out to people who have supported me,” Hill place as Knoxville’s premier indepen- 

local politicians, artists, athletes, chefs,
told writer Melanie Jones.
dent, editorially driven city magazine.

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