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30 years

Beneath the Surface (2005-2007)

Cityview’s coverage of nonproit and 

charitable enterprises began early. The 
October 2007 magazine featured more 

than a dozen local charities—as well as 
an interview with philanthropist and Pilot 

founder Jim Haslam II.

ometimes it’s a little start—with just her basketball career. “I 

too easy to focus on think women’s basketball is at a point 
what we already know
where it can go forward and grow more 

about people—and places. As the maga- than it already has—and I feel like in 
zine continued to grow and mature, the some sense the baton is being passed

Cityview team knew they couldn’t just to our generation, and it is our job to 

stay on the surface of what our town embrace it,” Parker revealed to the This period also saw the continuation 
and her citizens were all about.
magazine. Bill Waldorf’s photography of the magazine’s long relationship with 

So when Cityview scored an interview also showed her feminine side in a stun- intuitive counselor and Knoxville legend 
with Lady Vols basketball sensation ning evening gown—even though she Bobby Drinnon with a cover story in the 

Candace Parker, they didn’t stop—or
still posed at Stokely Athletic Center.
October 2006 issue.

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