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Sam Furrow

You can’t talk about Knoxville’s 

most important leaders and en- 
“Knoxville trepreneurs without sending Sam 

Furrow to the top of the list. Born 
is a great
and raised in Paint Rock, Tennes- 

see, educated at the University

place to live.
of Tennessee, and a Knoxville 
resident for the past 45 years, 

Furrow represents much of what 
is good about Knoxville. As an 

We already entrepreneur, he is known primar- 
ily through his automobile sales 

group (Furrow Automotive Group) 
have what 
and his auction company (Furrow 
Auction Company). He has made
the rest of
a visible mark in Knoxville real 
estate, too, as he has developed, 

the United renovated, and sold properties— 

from downtown offices and large 
States–and commercial spaces to waterfront 

and farmland—through Archer 
the world
Furrow & Associates

But it is, perhaps, his commit- 
ment to hands-on management 
and long-term relationships—busi- 

ness, community, and personal— 
that makes Sam Furrow so special. 

He is noted for his long-time civic 
and charitable pride and contribu- 

tions—he helped to save the Bijou 

Theatre, to name just one of his 
many legendary contributions

to the city—and, sitting with him 
in his Archer Furrow offices on 

Kingston Pike, there is no doubt 

that Furrow is exactly where he 
wants to be: living in, working, and 

helping to make Knoxville the best 
place in the world.

january  february 2014

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