Page 116 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
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top docs 


by Damion Huntoon



Early detection is often paramount in ighting some of

Americans’ most common—and dangerous—ailments.

But the cost and time needed to visit a physician for

tests all-too-often leads us to procrastinate on necessary 

preventative care. The solution? Medical testing tools are available 

to people at home—and DIY style.


he annual costs associated treat—or in some cases, successfully patients explore new techniques in the 
with patient diagnosis are cur- manage—life-threatening illnesses and quest to solve their medical questions— 

rently responsible for around allow patients the knowledge to make and many medical tech groups are striving 
15 percent of all health care more informed health decisions.
to meet this growing market by develop- 

expenditures in the united It is estimated that 70 percent of ing an array of cost-effective, easy to use, 
States—with 2015 estimates projected patients make health decisions based
“do-It-Yourself ” medical apparatuses.

to top $750 billion a year. Advanced on diagnosis alone. Simple testing can here are a few procedures you 
procedures have allowed doctors
be paramount in recognizing a patient’s used to need a doctor to do for you— 

and health care providers to gather medical needs. Each year, the market for but which you can now do from the 
comprehensive data to diagnose and
self-tests grows by leaps and bounds as
comfort of your own home.

cumulation clogs arteries and veins CATCH CANCER EARLY

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like sub- and can lead to coronary heart disease, Prostate cancer is one of the leading 
stance that’s found in all cells of the hypertension, and death. The Cho- killers of men in the united States. 

body. It exists as either low-density or lesTrak Total Cholesterol Test gives, The latest figures from the Center for 
high-density lipoproteins. While high-
in 12 minutes, reliable readings on both disease Control and Prevention, from 

density lipopro- high-density and overall lipoprotein 2010, show almost 200,000 men are 
teins function as levels. The test provides a protected diagnosed with the disease annually. 

a delivery system stem needle. With a small push against Although survival rates are good—at 
to the liver, both your finger, a droplet of blood is pro- about 87 percent—they are based on

types are needed duced and applied to a small plastic 
for healthy diges- blood well. The droplet is absorbed 

tion and for the into a contact strip, and a firm pull on 
body to produce an adjacent plastic strip allows the test 

Vitamin d. Low- to analyze the sample. In 3 short min- 
density choles- utes, a rating is produced and a handy 

terol is labeled as chart marks cholesterol levels.
“bad” cholesterol more info:

because its ac-
Price: $20-$25

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