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the importance of early the sensor with its claimed 97 percent to conduct the complicated procedure
detection. developing an
accuracy rating.
of treatment for cardiac arrest. An 

at-home prostate screen- more info:
AEd can be purchased for just over 
ing test, therefore, should
Price: Not yet available
$1,000. The powerful electronic device 

help boost the survival rate gives step-by-step instructions—and in 
even higher. The university of
some cases is equipped to give audio 

California at Irvine announced in May RESPOND TO ALLERGIC REACTIONS
step-by-step instructions. Placing two 
of 2013 that they will soon have an The state of anaphylactic shock is a electrode conductors on the patient’s

over-the-counter test that uses urine to life threatening allergic reaction that can chest, the device 
track patients’ PSA (prostate specific cause a laryngeal spasm (the closing of sends a strong 

antigen) levels. Results are designed
the throat’s airway) and/or a decrease
to be quick and accurate, and the ease in blood pressure. Commonly in-
burst that can 

of this screening will make the highly duced by various food aller-
important process of early detection gies, this symptom is only
or restart, a 

available at the local pharmacy. The treatable by an injection
person’s regular
test is the result of 10 years of research, of adrenaline into a
heart beat. The 

and the science involved may eventu- patient’s bloodstream.
device’s analysis func-
ally lead to tests that can identify early The devices known as
tion, which monitors 

indicators of other cancers, as well. EpiPen and EpiPen
the patient via the attached
more info:
Jr offer easily available
electrodes, allows the operator

Price: Not yet available
injection treatments that
to know if, or when, to administer the 
are designed as a conveniently carried device. As Emergency Medical Techni- 

lifesaver. The spring-loaded syringe uses cians should be called after anyone 
a one-step, flip-top case that utilizes a suffers cardiac arrest, the administered 

The Echo Therapeutics’ Symphony brightly colored, easily identifiable AEd can also buy arriving emergency 
tCGM biosensor adhesive monitor orange needle end tube and a blue
personnel valuable time in saving a 

relieves the need for daily invasive end injection button. The easy-to-grip victim of cardiac arrest.
insulin shots that lead to a heightened
handle and the built-in, sterile needle more info:, 

risk of infection. This mechanism allows for easy injection
transdermal bio-
devised for self-operated emergency Price: About $1,200

sensor reads situations. The ease and importance of 
blood analy- the EpiPen has led the federal govern- 

ses through
ment to draft recent legislation (h.R. TRACK YOUR 
the skin by 2094, passed in May 2013) to require PRESCRIPTIONS

collecting all schools in the country to have one A patient’s com-
one reading available for students suffering from pliance with taking

per minute,
severe allergic reactions.
prescribed medica-
sending the more info:
tions is an important

data wirelessly to Price: About $100
part of treatment of
a remote monitor that
chronic aliments. With elderly

triggers audible alarms or busy patients, reminders can
when its wearer suffers
be extremely helpful. Winner of the 

from excessive or depleted design developments in the field of
2013 healthcare Innovation World Cup 
glucose range limits. Along
Automated External Defibrillators
competition, Adhere Tech’s patented 

with the sensor comes the Prelude Skin- (AEd) have given everyone the ability
Smart Pill Bottle is a medical remind- 
Prep System: Acting much like an er system. These electronic pill bottles 

electric razor, the SkinPrep System
not only keep track of a patient’s medi- 
uses microdermabrasion to shave
cation amounts but can also save on 

away a dime-size spot of the dead costly procedures and readmissions by 
outermost surface of skin. This pro- keeping the user on track with sched- 

cess sends small electronic pulses to uled prescription use. Connectivity 
determine when it has reached live with smart phone apps can send mobile 

underlying skin cells, thus supplying
reminders and data on the amounts and

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