Page 118 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
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consumption schedules for patients 

and healthcare providers, thus allowing 
for adequate treatment analysis. using 

a slim lighting device, glowing colors 
from the bottle show when it’s time to 

administer medication—and gives an 
alert if a dose has been missed.

more info:
Price: Not yet available


for couples hoping to get pregnant, 
new advances in fertility diagnosis have STAY HEALTHY

been made available in a small, easy- If you are looking for an overall 
to-use sensor. british based company physical assessment, then the Omron 

DuoFertility has developed a fertility- Body Composition Monitor and 
tracking device that helps women navi- Scale may be useful. This small scale 

gate their ever-changing fertility cycles. with an attachment for your hands uses 
We are all stressed by the rigors and With a small sensor safely attached to six sensors to measure seven fitness 

responsibilities of modern life. While the body, continuous data is collected. indicators, including body fat, resting 
agreeing that some stress is beneficial, Accompanying software, used in con- metabolism, bone mass, and body Mass 

medical researchers have resound- junction with online support, emails, Index (bMI)—all serious long-term 
ingly attested to the negative effects of and phone contact from duo fertility’s health indicators. It also measures your 

prolonged, unmanaged stress on the specialist center, supplies information body weight and can be used as a simple 
body. Rapid aging, headaches, insom- and advice that can lead to conception scale. Readings are available in seconds 

nia, increased blood pressure, and even planning and insight for the hopeful after stepping on the scale and picking 
cognitive aliments are just some of
parents-to-be. A fertility profile lets
up the handle, which features a large, 

the dangerous ways stress can wreck the user track her cycling basal body easy-to-read digital display. Powered
havoc on your health. The medical Temperatures, or bbTs, while giving by four AAA batteries with an on/off 

device designed by Michael Mathis and reminders and projections of optimal switch on the base of the scale, the 
gerda hopfgartner, for the Austrian ovulation times. duofertility’s analysis omron body Composition Monitor can 

firm gavari design, has joined modern also allows you to record more fertility store up to 90 days’ worth of data for as 
style with an accurate, wearable tracker clues, any available infertility medica- many as four people to help track you 

known as the StressWatch. This tions, or alternative treatments that and your whole family keep track of 
biofeedback device is worn like any may lead to a healthy pregnancy.
your health and fitness.

conventional wristwatch, but instead
more info:
more info: 
of time, it tracks the wearer’s stress Price: $385-1299, depending on plan
Price: $75

vitals, such as heart rate and body 
temperature. The display of “well- Damion Huntoon is a freelance writer from Knoxville. 

being waves”—faces available in red or He is a musician, world traveler, dog-owner, audio
green—indicates when you may need to engineer, and classic motorcycle enthusiast. His 

take some time to relax.
wide range of past articles can be seen at
more info:

Price: Not yet available

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