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Physician PrOFile


Dr. MereDith OverhOlt and Dr. KiMberly GranDe

healthy skin is beautiful
Dedicated to the 
Health and Beauty 
skin, and the skilled professionals at the 
Skin Wellness Center know that better of your skin

than most. The Skin Wellness Center uses 
a two-part approach to skin health: state- The Skin Wellness 

of-the-art dermatology services treat Center’s cosmetic 

underlying disorders; safe and effective treatments will bring 
cosmetic treatments bring out the best in out the absolute

their patients’ skin.
best in your skin. Our 
Kimberly grande, Md, and Meredith highly trained staff of 

overholt, Md, opened the Skin Wellness dermatologists, nurses, 
Center together in 2001. Their staff con- 
and aestheticians offers 
sists of highly trained physicians assis- the most advanced 

tants, nurses, aestheticians, skin care con- techniques available— 
sultants, and customer service specialists Meredith Overholt, MD
as well as in-depth 

who are committed to providing proven personal consultations 
and individualized skincare solutions for treatments at the Skin Wellness Center 
about your skin’s 
each of their patients.
fdA-approved, they have also been put to specific needs. We’ll 

When your skin does not look ideal, the test by the staff, too.
create a comprehensive 
there could be underlying medical issues When the Cool Sculpting fat reduction skin care regimen and 

at work. The epidermis—the outermost treatment hit the market, drs. grande treatment plan designed 
layer of skin cells—is only a portion of and overholt treated their entire staff just for you.

your skin, and when something doesn’t before they would accept patients. This 

look right on the surface, it’s time to non-invasive liposuction alternative uses 
look deeper. The Skin Wellness Center pads, suction, and cooling to destroy conditions Treated:

uses the latest medical advancements to targeted fat.
dermatologically treat adults, teenagers, “We tried a heat-based liposuction • Wrinkles and 
Premature Aging
children, and even infants.
alternative before Cool Sculpting,” says dr. 
There is no shortage of medical and grande, “but we found the process to be too • Dry Skin

cosmetic skincare treatments available painful. If we can’t handle the pain, then we • Sun Damage

today, but the Skin Wellness Center will don’t want to offer it to our patients.”
• Acne
only provide services that they believe With more than 50 years of combined • Dark Spots and 

in themselves. Not only are all of the
experience, the team at the Skin Well- Age Spots
ness Center can provide a multi-faceted • Scars

approach to help patients achieve healthy • Spider Veins/ 
Unwanted Blood 
and beautiful skin.
“Anyone who is experiencing skin health 
• Unwanted Hair
issues should consider the Skin Wellness 
Center,” says dr. overholt, “and particularly • Rosacea

women from 35 to 60 who want to look and 

feel their best should make an appointment.”
dr. grande holds her medical degree 
from the university of Nebraska, and dr. 
overholt received her degree from the 10215 Kingston Pike 

baylor College of Medicine. both doctors Suite 200
enjoy spending time with their families and 
Knoxville, TN 37922 
providing dynamic care for their patients.
(865) 584-8580

Kimberly Grande, MD
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