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Physician PrOFile

The DiagnosTic clinic aT

Dr. JOe PeeDen

We get kids

East Tennessee 

Children’s Hospital 
is a not-for-profit, 

private, independent 

pediatric medical 
center whose only 

who is the Clinic Coordinator and whose concern is the care 
background is in hematology/oncology; of your child.

and Meghan buckner, who is a social 
worker. Nurses at the hospital round
Our mission is to 
out the operation, and everyone plays an improve the health 

equal part in the clinic.
of the children 
The critical element in the diagnostic through exceptional, 

Clinic is the careful application of time. comprehensive 
When children come to dr. Peeden, they 
have already been to multiple specialists care. It’s a mission 
Joe Peeden, MD
to address their illnesses. The only way that centers on
to properly evaluate each patient seen an unchanging 

one facet of provid-
by the clinic is by spending a lot of time commitment to the 
i n g great medical care is learning how reviewing records.
physical, educational, 

to adapt to the ever-changing needs of “So many children today have multiple and emotional needs 

your patients. for more than 35 years, medical issues, such as developmental of each child.
pediatrician Joe Peeden, M.d., has treated delays and birth defects, but special-

sick children throughout the Knoxville ists might not have enough time to give 
area and at East Tennessee Children’s each case an in-depth analysis,” says

hospital—and through this experience
dr. Peeden. “We look at every child’s 
he recognized a pattern in the kids who records—cross-referencing, research- 

came into his office.
ing, strategizing—which requires a lot of 

“Sometimes a child will be sent to a legwork but is very rewarding.”
specialist for one symptom and then to “At the end of the day, it’s about help- 

another doctor for a different symptom,” ing the kids,” he adds. “over the years, 
says dr. Peeden, “and I wanted to look at diagnoses have become increasingly 

the possibility of those symptoms being more complicated, but one thing never 

related to an overall disorder or problem.”
changes: kids want to get better, and I 
It was under this premise that dr. want to help them get better.”

Peeden established the diagnostic Clinic dr. Peeden received his medical
inside the East Tennessee Children’s degree from the university of Tennes- 

hospital. This clinic looks at difficult see Medical Center in Memphis in 1975 

diagnoses for children who are suffering and completed his fellowship in medical 
from a number of different problems and and clinical genetics at Le bonheur and 

tries to identify a unifying cause.
St. Jude’s Children’s Research hospi-
East Tennessee 
The diagnostic Clinic’s core staff tal. dr. Peeden’s professed passions are Children’s Hospital 

consists of just three people: dr. Peeden, literature, dogs, his wife Paula, who is a 2018 W. Clinch Avenue 
who is board certified in pediatrics and gynecologist, and their three children—all 
Knoxville, TN 37916 
medical genetics; SuAnne Cobb, RN,
of whom are teachers.

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