Page 123 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 123

Physician PrOFile


that require the patient to remain con- 
reasons why
scious cannot be performed under general pAss was founded:
anesthesia, and sedation offers a solution 

for these types of procedures, which can 
include spinal taps, brain activity monitor- 1. The patients needed 

ing tests such as an EEg, or radiology tests it: Too many children 

such as an MRI.
were having tests 
The goals of PASS are outlined in their done without 

mission statement, PASS on PAIN. In ad- sedation and/
dition to being an acronym for Pediatric or adequate pain 

Analgesia and Sedation Specialists, PASS control.
stands for Providing Access to Safe Seda- 

tion. PAIN represents the practice’s solu- 2. Physicians wanted 

Undergoing certain medical
tions for Pain (minimizing pain), Anxiety it: To help kids stay 
tests can be unnerving when you know (reducing anxiety), Immobility (helping still and better 

exactly what is going on and why, but for children remain still), and Napping (for tolerate all types of 
children, even a routine procedure can
tests like EEgs). PASS works primarily with 
be terrifying. Remaining motionless for
the Radiology, Cardiology, and hematol- 

a diagnostic test like an MRI or EEg can ogy/oncology departments and Neurologi- 3. The hospital saw the 
be difficult for an adult, but it’s nearly cal Labratory, but any area of the hospital need—and wanted 

impossible to ask a kid to sit still for an hour. may benefit from the use the service for the to become more 
In order to help ease the anxiety of sick comfort of the patient.
efficient and shorten 

children as well as improve the quality of PASS consists of a dedicated team of wait times for the 

diagnostic testing, East Tennessee Children’s physicians and nurses who have specialized many tests that 
hospital developed a solution to make going training in pediatrics and pediatric emer- needed sedation.

to the doctor decidedly less scary.
gency medicine. frances Craig, Md, is the 
Since 2004, the Pediatric Analgesia and Medical director at PASS, and Christopher 4. We wanted to help: 

Sedation Specialists (PASS) at East Ten- J. Siano, do and MPh, is the President and This concept seemed 
nessee Children’s hospital has provided
Chief Manager. Three other physicians and 
to be a great way
an invaluable service for patients, parents, seven dedicated nurses make up the rest
to help alleviate 

and physicians. PASS was established of the core staff at PASS. The PASS team children’s fears, 
because there was a need for safe sedation also includes the entire Radiology depart- anxieties and pain 

services for the children of East Tennessee. ment, Specialized Radiologist Technicians, associated with 
Too many children were undergoing tests front office Staff, and many more around procedures.

without sedation or adequate pain control, Children’s hospital.

and physicians wanted to offer sedation to East Tennessee Children’s hospital is 
improve tolerance for and results of certain the only hospital in the region that provides 

procedures. In the decade since its intro- comprehensive sedation services for chil- 
duction, PASS has safely sedated thousands dren. Children are better able to deal with 

of children. This not only improves the ex- the discomfort, anxiety, or confusion of 

perience for the child but also returns more certain procedures when they are calm and 
accurate test results as well as shortens wait relaxed, and PASS provides this invaluable 

times for other patients.
service throughout the hospital. The PASS East Tennessee 
Sedation is different than general team stays current on sedation practices Children’s Hospital 

anesthesia. during general anesthesia, the throughout the country and brings their 2018 W Clinch Avenue 
patient will be completely unconscious and knowledge home to help improve the lives 
Knoxville, TN 37916 
will likely need breathing assistance. Tests
of the children of East Tennessee.
(865) 541-8000

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