Page 124 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
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Physician PrOFile


Dr. Matthew sellers

InBalance HRT is an 

integrated medical
clinic focused on quality 

healing of others, 
therapy developed from his own health utilizing a fundamental 

needs. he began suffering from Chronic approach to healthcare 

fatigue Syndrome shortly after he began through natural 
practicing medicine, but instead of feeling remedies and evidence- 

better after treatment for insomnia and based medicine while 
depression, he felt worse. That’s when he promoting disease 

sought out nutritional supplements and prevention via education 
eventually found hormone replacement 
and service to the 
therapy. Then, about three years ago, he community.

was diagnosed with rectal cancer.
“I have used both integrative and tra- Do you suffer from: 

ditional approaches throughout my treat- Anxiety, Irritability, 
ment,” says dr. Sellers. “This includes 
Poor Mental Focus, 
dietary changes, nutritional supple- Depression, Fatigue, 

Matthew Sellers, MD
ments, massage, relaxation techniques, Decreased Sex Drive, 
and hormone replacement in addition
Loss of Muscle Tone, 

to chemotherapy. These complementary Poor Response to 
I f y o u ’ r e l u c k y , the road of
treatments help me better deal with the Exercise, Joint Pain, 

life is long and full of surprises. As our cancer treatments.
Muscle Pain, Insomnia, 

bodies change with age, however, they “I opened Inbalance hRT in order to or Hair Growth or Loss? 
sometimes require additional help for provide a channel for these types of in- Let us help you regain 

restoration toward natural balance. diet, tegrative care techniques to complement your life!
exercise, and lifestyle choices are not cancer care.”

always enough to maintain your health— hormone replacement therapy can
and that’s where dr. Matthew Sellers and be used in conjunction with traditional 

his team at Inbalance hRT come onto
medical practices to provide a compre- 

the scene. Inbalance hRT is dedicated to hensive approach to well-being. Treat- 
providing comprehensive care through ment may start with hormone pellets, but 

hormone replacement therapy with nutri- if that doesn’t improve or causes other 
tional counseling and wellness services.
issues to develop, Inbalance hRT has 

dr. Sellers and his team at Inbalance other techniques to help patients figure Tennova South Plaza 

hRT use a “whole patient” approach to out what’s going on.
7323 Chapman Hwy., 
treat patients. Their practice involves Although the natural hormone replace- Suite 140

mind, body, and spiritual treatment ment therapy is not covered by insurance, Knoxville, TN 37920
tailored to each patient they see. The Inbalance hRT offers an affordable treat- 

natural hormone replacement from ment schedule.
9957 Kingston Pike, 

Inbalance improves energy levels, aids dr. Sellers is married and lives with
Suite 105
sleep, provides relief from menopause his wife and teenage children. he enjoys Knoxville, TN 37922

in women, improves libido in both men playing golf, reading, and leatherwork. he 
and women, and promotes an overall is a Sunday School teacher and sings in (865) 577-8667 

sense of well-being.
his church choir. he is passionate about
dr. Sellers is a lung specialist by train- working with patients who are receptive 

ing. his interest in hormone replacement
to his comprehensive treatment.

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