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Physician PrOFile

gI FoR kIDs

Dr. yOuhanna al-tawil


“The mission of GI for 
Kids is to help make East 

Tennessee Children’s 

Hospital a Center of 
Excellence for Pediatric 

Gastroenterology on
a local, regional and 

national level. I am 

committed to serving 
the children in this 

region and help build the 
hospital’s reputation 

nationally, and GI for 
a n a f f i l i a t e o f East Tennessee
is a one-on-one format that allows a 
Kids is a perfect partner 
Children’s hospital, gI for Kids, PLLC,
physician extender, a behavioral health in this effort.

clinician, and a registered dietician to provides Knoxville and the surrounding
Youhanna Al-Tawil, MD
identify nutrition, fitness, and psycho- area with premier pediatric gastrointesti- “East Tennessee is an 

logical concerns. using evidence-based nal, hepatology, and nutritional services. It amazing resource for 
research, our providers make appropri- is staffed by four board-certified pediatric our community and the 

ate recommendations for implementing gastroenterologists, three nurse practitio- surrounding counties. 

healthy lifestyle changes to a child’s ners, a physician assistant, two behavior Our clinic treats 
daily routine. The program emphasizes health clinicians, three registered dieti- patients from all over 

healthy food options and fun physical tians, and a research coordinator.
Tennessee and outside of 
activities, while also addressing the emo- gI for Kids is pleased to announce the the state. We are one of 

tional aspects of obesity and the process addition of a new and exciting liver pro- the busiest pediatric GI 
of implementing new lifestyle changes. gram. dr. diana Moya recently joined the 
practices in the United 
bee fit 4 Kids is appropriate for a child practice and has exceptional expertise in States. Our website 

or adolescent with a body mass index liver disease. dr. Moya manages any and is 
(bMI) greater than the 95th percentile, all liver diseases, ranging from elevated one of the most visited 

or with a bMI greater than the 85th liver enzymes to more complicated dis- websites for pediatric 
percentile if the child has an overweight eases such as hyperbilirubemia, autoim- gastroenterology. I 

parent, medical complication, or a family mune hepatitis, infectious hepatitis, and would encourage you

history of increased health risks.
chronic liver diseases or conditions. She to visit our website for 
Partnering and collaborating with dr. works very closely with the hepatology more information.”

Nadine Trainer at ETCh’s Pediatric Physi- program at Vanderbilt, forming protocols 
cal Medicine and Rehab clinic, gI for Kids’ for liver disease management.
-Dr. Youhanna Al-Tawil

dr. Al-Tawil and one of our dietitians, gI for Kids has also developed a family 

Ashley Treadway, developed the feeding based, multidisciplinary pediatric-weight 
Clinic. The feeding Clinic addresses and management program, bee fit 4 Kids, 2100 Clinch Avenue 

treats children with feeding difficulties due due to rising concerns with obesity Suite 510
to neonatal abstinence syndrome, prema-
across the united States. bee fit 4 Kids
Children’s Hospital 

Medical Office Building 

Knoxville, TN 37916 
(865) 546-3998

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