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Physician PrOFile

gI FoR kIDs

Dr. yOuhanna al-tawil

GI for Kids offers many 

programs to help 
ture birth, neurodevelopmental delay, and referrals from pediatric practices for treat- support kids and families 

sensory integration disorder.
ment of behavioral issues both related and in our community.
Celi-ACT is a support group for anyone unrelated to gI concerns.

with celiac disease or gluten intolerance In addition to these support groups, gI Transitions: Behavior 
Health center for kids
sponsored through gI for Kids. Celi-ACT for Kids has an active research program. – 
provides children and their families with Currently, they are conducting active Ibd Support for patients and 

the education and support needed to research and most recently published an families with issues re- 
make important lifestyle changes related article titled “Alterations in junctional lated to gastrointestinal 

to their diagnosis. Celiac disease is a proteins, inflammatory mediators and diseases and other gen- 
genetic autoimmune disease estimated to extracellular matrix molecules in eosino- 
eral behavioral issues.
affect 1 of every 133 people in the united philic esophagitis” in Clinical Immunol- 

States and can cause significant health ogy, a well-known medical journal.
Bee Fit 4 kids- Designed 
problems if not treated with diet changes.
Jayma Jeffers-branam, the manager
to help overweight chil- 

KidsfACT (Kids fighting Against at gI for Kids, says that despite all the dren and their families 
Crohn’s and Colitis Together) is a nonprof- government-mandated changes affecting 
make better lifestyle and 
it support group created by gI for Kids for the business-side of health care in the dietary choices.

those diagnosed with pediatric Inflamma- last few years, the clinic’s mission and 
tory bowel disease (Ibd) and their family practice remain the same: “The new laws kidsFAcT– Support group 

members. KidsfACT is dedicated to mak- haven’t affected the treatment we offer, for patients with Crohn’s 
ing strides towards an improved quality of the care we show, or the concern we have disease and Ulcerative 

life for those with Ibd and to advancing for our young patients.”
Colitis which also spon- 

knowledge in order to contribute to better Youhanna Al-Tawil, Md, is the Medical sors an event to raise 
treatments and, ultimately, a cure. “for
director for gI for Kids and is board- funds and awareness 

the first time, we will be providing college certified in pediatrics, pediatric gastroen- each year.
scholarships to children with Ibd, Crohn’s terology, and nutrition. he sees another 

disease, and ulcerative colitis. This is such aspect of the clinic’s practice that has celi-Act– Support group 
a great way to bring our support to a new continued over the years: the need for 
organized by one of the 
level,” says dr. Al-Tawil. over the years,
children to be more active and aware of dieticians for individuals 

gI for Kids sees more and more patients, the healthful benefits of physical exercise. with Celiac disease which 
making the practice one of the largest Ibd “The fast-paced world of sedentary tech- supports one of the 

clinics in the nation, and especially in this nology interests—such as video games, largest vendor fairs in 
geographic location.
smartphones, and other electronics—cap- North America for celiac 

Transitions behavioral health Clinic
tivates children and doesn’t promote a disease and gluten free 

is located within gI for Kids, as well, and healthy, active lifestyle,” he says. Along foods each year.
services pediatric patients and their fami- with poor diets, physical inactivity ranks 

lies for issues related to coping with health high in the cause of gI problems.
gI for kids newsletter- 
problems, as well as dietary changes.
If you are interested in making a Quarterly publication 

The main goal is to provide support and referral, community events, or becoming sent to area physicians 
a member of one of gI for Kids’ many 
behavioral modifications for the patient that features different 
and the family related to gastrointestinal support groups, please visit their website topics, including related 

diseases and general behavioral issues. gI at contact the office resources offered by 
for Kids is also pleased to receive outside
directly at 865-546-3998.
our practice.

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