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Physician PrOFile


Dr. sMita bOrOle

The Way Dental 
should Work

lationships I get to build with those in my 

community by serving their dental needs.” Even those people who 
Providing technical solutions in her office
don’t especially like 

is not the only way dr. borole interacts with going to the dentist like 

the community. She participates in the Re- going to DentalWorks. 
mote Area Medical clinic once a year to pro- That’s because we

vide free dental care for those who cannot give you more of what 
afford it. dr. borole and her team also par- you expect but so 

ticipate in the American dental Association’s rarely get: more dental 
give Kids A Smile program, which provides 
services, more choices, 
a full range of dental care for uninsured
more value.

or under insured children throughout the 
community. Last year, dr. borole returned A preferred provider 

to India for a weeklong medical mission trip for most insurance 
Smita Borole, BDS; DMD
so she could use her clinical skills to help the 
plans, we offer:
less fortunate in her home country.
• reasonableprices
You’d be hard pressed to
dr. borole’s primary interest is provid- 
find someone whose idea of a good time ing general dentistry for the entire family, • financingand 
payment options 
is going to the dentist—that is, unless and she has a special interest in crowns, for dental services
their dentist is dr. Smita borole at den- bridges, Lumineers, and endodontic 
• convenienthours 
talWorks in Turkey Creek. dr. borole and procedures. dr. borole’s Turkey Creek and locations

Associates specialize in providing afford- dentalWorks office accepts more than 40 • emergencydental 
able, comprehensive family dentistry, but different types of insurance so they can care

it is their customer service that sets them better serve everyone in the community.
• acommittedteam 
apart from other dental practices.
“over the next few years, I hope to see of dental health 

dr. borole has been practicing den- my practice become more involved with professionals
tistry for 14 years. She holds a bachelor of community outreach,” says dr. borole. who will take a 
personal interest 
dental Surgery (b.d.S.) from the univer- “We enjoy participating in community in your smile

sity of bombay, India, and a doctor of events such as the TVA health fair, 
dental Medicine from the university of where we provide free oral cancer screen- 

Pennsylvania. dr. borole values building ings using the Velscope technology and 
relationships with her patients, and the the local bridal fairs, where we offer free 

dedicated support staff at dentalWorks his & hers exams. We love visiting area 

in Turkey Creek are also committed to schools to speak about the importance of 
providing personalized care for every- dental hygiene. I hope to do more of these 

one who visits their office. dr. borole is
types of things in the future.”
a conservative dentist, which means she Taking care of people and their teeth

leaves quality pre-existing dental work is not dr. borole’s only passion. Every 
Dr. Borole & Associates 
alone and focuses on what is truly needed month she appears on fox 43 to share her 
to serve her patients.
love for preparing classic Indian dishes. (Farragut) p.c.

“My favorite part of my job is patient dr. borole lives in Knoxville with her 11340 Parkside Drive, 
interaction,” says dr. borole. “I love the re-
husband and two children.
Unit 2110,

Knoxville, TN 37934

PH: 865-671-5690
Fax: 865-671-5699

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