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Physician PrOFile


Dr. JOhn rObertsOn anD Dr. Kelley walKer

Awards and 

Board Certified by 

the American Board 
of Psychiatry and 

Six-time Cityview 
I sit down with them, we have all that data 
Top Docs
in front of us. We also like to meet with 
family members. We may do blood work One of the 300 Best 
Doctors in East 
and further testing before developing a Tennessee
treatment plan. It’s the most thorough and 

comprehensive neuropsychiatric evalua- Best Doctors of 
tion in the area,” says dr. Robertson.
dr. Robertson says it’s important to America’s Top 

understand that what many patients Doctors 2010
Dr. Kelley Walker and Dr. John Robertson
describe as the problem is really only the 
America’s Top 
symptoms of an underlying cause—and Psychiatrists 2013

D r . J o h n r o b e r t s o n makes no that’s what they have to identify. “You 
bones about his and dr. Kelley Walker’s hear about something like Add, but poor 
The center for 
practice: “We deliver the best psychiatric attention span is similar to running a fever. 
care in East Tennessee.”
A fever can be caused by many different Family psychiatry 

dr. Robertson has plenty of ammuni- illnesses. Likewise, attention deficit may specializes in:

tion to back that claim up. Aside from the stem from depression, early dementia—a 
individual awards he and his partner have myriad of root causes. As a psychiatrist, • ChildandAdolescent 
received, dr. Robertson ticks off objective you must treat that root cause to improve 
accomplishments he says demonstrate the patient’s attention span.”
• AdultandGeriatric 
the center’s dedication to excellence: for some treatments, patients can 
“We’re the only practice that I know of
improve within hours; for others, about • AddictionMedicine

in East Tennessee offering outpatient three weeks is average. “We don’t rely • Depression
• Anxiety
detoxification. Inpatient treatment is only on what the patient says,” dr. 
$1,000 per day, and we can get people
Robertson emphasizes. “We use evalua- • BipolarDisorder

off addictions for a lot less than that.”
tive scales because even though they’re • AttentionDeficit 
he also is proud to be a board-certified feeling better, some patients don’t know Disorder

addiction psychiatrist—a certification he what ‘normal’ feels like. It’s similar to • ObsessiveCompulsive 
says he shares with only one or two other someone with really poor vision receiv- 
psychiatrists in East Tennessee.
ing glasses for the first time. They can • Schizophrenia

Nevertheless, treating addiction is not see more clearly, but their vision is still • Autism
the only specialty of the center (see side- not 20-20. We want to keep fine-tuning a • EatingDisorders

bar). The physicians treat all emotional treatment until the patient is functioning 
• PersonalityDisorders
and behavioral problems. “our workup at their best.”
process with a new patient includes a one- dr. Walker is also an adjunct professor 

hour questionnaire, a one-hour interview at Lincoln Memorial university Medical 
with a nurse, and then two hours of psy- School and enjoys teaching Physician As- 10241 Kingston Pike 

chiatric testing. by the time dr. Walker or
sistant and Third Year medical students.
Knoxville, TN 37922 


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