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into the

Welcome to 
Tate's Day Camp, home of the 

Fun Professionals, where we are embarking

on another action-packed summer of 

adventure! Grab your swimsuits, pack 

the beach towel and don't forget your

sunscreen, because we are headed into 

a summer illed with swimming, games,

songs and exciting activities. We offer so 

many activities that you will have to attend

all summer to participate in them all.

7eekly themes add a primary well as failures, learning how to interact 

focus that helps keep camp with peers, making new friends and 

new and refreshing for feeling good about yourself.

campers attending multiple
Our recipe for a FUN summer 

weeks. All weeks are packed with FUN, combines a dynamic staff and 

so choose those that work best with energetic campers with a 52-acre 

your summer schedule.
campus that includes three swimming 

Research shows that camp is a pools, multipurpose court, outdoor 

vital component of child and youth amphitheater, game ields, pond, 

development and campers attending hillside slide, climbing tower, zipline, 

consecutive weeks experience greater archery & marksmanship ranges, low 

skill development, higher self-esteem ropes course, woods and log buildings. 

and stronger group bonds. Camp is Some activities have age requirements. 

more than participating in cool activities Swimming is provided to all campers 

. . . it's about becoming part of a and instructional swimming is included 

community, fostering teamwork, trying for children ages 3-8. Hold on tight, the 

new things, experiencing successes as
FUN is just beginning! «•» 865-690-9208

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