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2014 Weekly


Week 1 
| May 27 - 30 (4-day week) | PirAtes & Princesses 

Errrr matey - hoist me black and white lag and prepare to set sail as we 
voyage across the Tatesibbean. Adventure awaits us in every port where

“X” marks the spot and buried treasure is within our reach. We’ll have a 
swashbuckling good time and nobody has to walk the plank except for maybe 
an old counselor or two. Shiver me timbers! And, don’t forget your eye patch.

Week 2 | June 2 - 6 | BuG Fest

Summer just wouldn’t be complete without paying tribute to our tiny, multi-

legged, creepy crawling friends affectionately known as BUGS! Explore the 
woods and ields of Tate’s Day Camp and learn why bugs are our friends. We’ll 
have bug hunts, bug identiication and maybe even some pet bugs. Don’t worry 

– the pet bugs must stay at camp because this is their home so we won’t be 
sending them to your house at the end of the week.

Week3 secretAGent
| June 9 - 13 | 
Suspicions are growing and things are not as they appear. Taboo the Squirrel 

hasn’t been seen or heard from in days. Sound the alarm! We need all secret 
agents to report on the double. Secrets lurk around every corner as campers 

and staff work together to solve this summer’s mystery. Each day the situation 
becomes clearer as secret agents get closer to the truth. Join us as we unravel 
the “whodunnit” scenario of the summer.

Week4 | June 16 - 20 | BlAstFromthePAst

Fire up the quantum generator, type in the coordinates and hold on tight as we

teleport through time. We’ll journey through a continuum of famous decades 
as we voyage to days gone by. Music, dress-up and games from the past are on 
the agenda. Hey – who’s that up ahead? It’s our time-traveling alien friend, Ned, 

from the planet Zircon. Uh oh! I think he’s lost. Let’s jump in and lend Ned a 
hand along the way to help him return to his galaxy.

| June 23 - 27 | childvs.Wild

Tribal alliances are formed and spirit ills the air as teams participate in friendly 
competitions to gain points throughout the week. Some challenges involve skill 

and energy while others involve thought and problem solving. Group unity and 
participation are essential. All eyes are focused on Friday’s closing tribal council 

where one group will be crowned the victor!

 «•» 865-690-9208

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