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Generation of Gentlemen

JuVan Langford mentors men on how to be unapologetically masculine. My journey of stepping more completely into my own masculinity left me asking “what does healthy masculinity look like” and “how can we turn society towards positive

Nathan’s Journey

Getting My Soul Back: Learning About Love, Intent, and Faith Early in life, I was unconsciously indoctrinated into the adult system of reward and punishment. When I did what my parents wanted, I was told and believed that I was good and

The Importance of Rest

If your week has been as challenging as mine, you’re ready to rest and recharge. For me, the healthiest way to “power up,” take a “rest from stress” and reconnect to truth and beauty is through “otium sanctum” or “holy leisure." “Otium…

Trust Me

Have you ever noticed that the most trusting people are often the most trustworthy, and that the most untrustworthy people often don’t trust others?  One of the more shocking realizations my clients make is when they realize that they may…

Keepin’ It Real

Resolutions are infamous for not working. Many of us don’t make them, or are so disheartened when hearing them that we roll our eyes as we think, “Ugh, right, that’s not going to happen!” Whenever we make a resolution or promise, there is…

How to Look Within

In today’s era of personal growth junkies, the saying “look within” is as common as “yoga” and “meditation.” But how can we start looking for something we’ve never seen? In today’s article, we’ll explore the five personal gates we can open…