Paul Jones shares his talents with television networks, local artists, and youth
Growing up in an episcopal church, hymnal music was a familiar space for Paul Jones. When an organ was introduced to his home as a child, Jones took to the instrument quickly, teaching himself to play. Eventually, he started piano lessons and his life in music began.
At age 15, Jones’s participation in a cover band took him in a new direction. He wanted to improve and learn more of the technical work associated with recording. “I would ask people, what is MIDI and how do you work it and no one could answer me,” he says. “So I would beg my parents to take me down to a B. Daltons to get a keyboard magazine to see if I could find anything.”
Jones felt at home in this space, so much so that by the 1980s he was producing musical scores for television shows. As he worked composing for networks, he found a second home in the pages of the church hymnal, holding full-time church positions that allowed him to bring his love of music to the sacred space. He remains in both arenas to this day.
Since opening Auralation Music, alongside Chris Robbins, in 2010, Jones has led the scoring of music for networks like CBS, A&E, Food Network, and ESPN. He’s also held positions at 15 to 20 different churches and has become a sought-after expert in local talent. One day you might find Jones and his team figuring out the sound for a new murder mystery or recording an 18-piece jazz orchestra. Another day you might find him at the studio with students, teaching them the trade and providing the options for learning that he never had. Or you might just find him in a local church, fulfilling his duties as a worship leader. Each day is different, but for Jones it’s worth it. “At the end of the day, find the place that gives you peace in your life and enjoy it.” To learn more about Jones and Auralation, visit