Yearly Archives


Life on the Lake

A Tennessee entrepreneurial couple find serenity and nostalgia on Douglas Lake I knew I was going to see a brand new lake house, but I wasn’t prepared to be so blown away. It was probably the thoughtful egret sitting on the shore at the

Making a Name: Magda Smith

Business is a marathon. Magda Smith’s been running for 50 years. One of the sad sights of our modern age is watching small mom-and-pop businesses closing up shop, eclipsed by out-of-town supergiants and online marketplaces. Starting a

Making a Name: Greg Atkins

It’s not all about growth. It’s about meeting in the middle. Digital media is everywhere, in our personal and professional lives alike. TikTok ads, Yelp reviews, and online marketplaces; even the article you’re reading now is an online

Making a Name: Lucas Haun

It pays to surround yourself with the best. “Does it pay to be outstanding at what you do? Absolutely. But, when you’re in business, it’s also extremely important to surround yourself with excellent individuals. For anyone going into