Guiding You on Your Wellness Journey
Story by Heather Whittemore | Photography by Nathan Sparks
Providing the Tools

It has been more than two years since we opened the doors at Be Well Anti-Aging & Weight Loss. I remember that first day vividly. We worked for weeks to the get the office ready for our patients—new patients who eagerly anticipated getting the help they needed, and patients who we’d worked with at previous practices for years. We were finally going to be able do things in the way I had always envisioned, in a way our patients deserved.
Brenda was one of our first patients at Be Well, but I had actually been working with her for years on her wellness. In fact, she was there that first day I started as a nurse practitioner, the day I decided to leave my prior practice, and the day Be Well opened. Brenda has worked so hard on her wellness journey over the years, and this fall, thanks in part to a new medication that has been an enormous help to many of our pateints, Brenda reached her goal. “Well, now what do we do?” she asked. I told her it was time to set her free. She had all the tools she needed to fulfill a life rooted in wellness, and she was ready. Brenda is a member of the Be Well family and proof that dedication pays off. These are moments we live for.
The Choice to Open
I’ve been in this specialty for 16 years and a nurse practitioner for the last decade. When I made the decision to open my own practice a few years back, it was with a strong desire to help my patients become more successful in their wellness journeys. I had always approached this work in this way, but knew there was more I could do.
When you’re able to show a person empathy and compassion, caring and trust, you’re able to build relationships with them in a way they find valuable. Along with my incredible staff, we are always there for our patients through tears of joy and frustration, celebrating their wins, working with them through their hurdles. Our patients are our family, and we are proud to be able to walk alongside them.
Journeys that are Wholly Unique
One of the most fascinating aspects of work in anti-aging and weight loss is the fact that no two journeys are the same. Each one requires careful examination and planning; there is no such thing as a cookie-cutter wellness plan.
Making the initial decision to come see us takes a lot of courage, and we commend our patients for making that leap. It is never an easy thing to admit you need help with your health and well-being. However, once they come and see us, they find themselves at ease.

We first focus on understanding who our patients are as people and what motivates them. We learn about their goals and concerns. We then do a full body composition reading which can be a clue into the big picture of what is going on to ensure our guidance is informed. From there we do nutritional counseling, physical activity counseling, meal planning, and together we formulate a treatment plan.
We also may recommend medications if that is an avenue our patients would like to take. Many come on a weekly basis, whether that’s for a consultation or for injectable medications that help with their weight loss, wellness or anti-aging. And because of that, there’s accountability. This is likely one of the most important aspects of a wellness journey. These check-ins keep patients grounded, dedicated, on track, and focused. They enjoy the fact that they have guides and partners.
Working at the Root
At Be Well, we want to help you get to the root cause for the challenges you face, whether that’s diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea or low self esteem. It’s all related to wellness. And if we can help you address the root cause, then your health outcomes will improve, too. It’s not just one thing that makes it work; it’s a variety of things. And ultimately it’s a lifestyle change. We want our patients to feel ready for that.

Gold: Men’s Health & Longevity | Regenerative Medicine | Weight Loss
Silver: Women’s Health & Longevity
Bronze: Cosmetic Injector | Place to Work (under 50 employees)
10918 Kingston Pike, Knoxville
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