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The Rabbit is a Hero

The man who rolls up his sleeves seldom loses his shirt. - Thomas Cowan The Museum of Appalachia, founded by the late John Rice Irwin and now one of the region’s important non-profit organizations, has recognized some of the local

The Titanic & The Sultana

Two tragic endings, one forgotten story At 2:20 a.m. on Sunday, April 14, 1912, the RMS Titanic of the White Star Line struck an iceberg in the North Atlantic. In its maiden voyage, only four days after departing the English port at

A War Story

“Grandpa, were you a hero in the war?”“No, but I served in a company of heroes.” —Stephen Ambrose, Band of Brothers In 1998, television anchorman and journalist Tom Brokaw authored The Greatest Generation, a book profiling many of those

The Great Ray

“If you walk into a crowded room, Ray Jenkins will be taller than anybody else, have the heaviest head of crewcut hair, look you straighter in the eye,speak with more authority, throw a more irresistible grin, kiss more women, crush more

The Bozeman Legacy

"How One Man from Happy Holler Made a Difference." That is the subtitle of author Debbie Patrick's 2012 biographical tribute to C. Howard Bozeman, who played a key role in the Knox County political scene from 1948 through 1982. This is

The Barber of Sevier

A tribute to the man who reminded me that we’re all just people doing our best—and the one who’s kept me looking fresh for decades Conley Sims, born in 1908, opened a barber shop on Bruce Street in downtown Sevierville almost 100 years

Knoxville’s Best Idea

The birth of our treasured sanctuary During the next calendar year, the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, far and away the nation’s most visited of the “crown jewels,” will celebrate its 90th birthday. Most of us take for granted our

The Call

The State of Tennessee was in crisis. On Tuesday, January 16, 1979, the news media reported that the outgoing Governor, Democrat Ray Blanton, had the day before commuted the sentence of a convicted double murderer by the name of Roger