Create Your Perfect Look
Someone considering skin care treatments or injectables probably wonders what to expect. Which treatment is best for me? What kind of recovery time can I anticipate? Will I see lasting effects? CREATE Medical Aesthetics makes it easy to maintain these results over time.
The staff at CREATE Medical Aesthetics gets it. They know the aesthetics industry can be a little intimidating at first, and they want their patients to feel comfortable coming in with their questions. Bottom line: they want the process to be easy and fun and to help their patients “CREATE” their perfect look.

Veronica Garza and her team pride themselves in quality care and safety while creating lasting relationships with their patients. They continually learn and evolve to provide the latest in the aesthetics industry.
After more than a decade working in the aesthetics industry, Veronica decided to branch out on her own in 2020, opening CREATE Medical Aesthetics. An advanced nurse injector and board-certified aesthetic nurse specialist, Veronica and her aestheticians specialize in anti-aging procedures, offering a range of neurotoxins, fillers, and collagen stimulators to slow down the overall aging process. They also offer corrective facials including Diamond Glow, micro-needling with PRP, and medium-depth chemical peels, among other services. In the coming months, the company plans to bring on a second nurse injector to the team as well as a specialized laser to help with skin rejuvenation, pigment, and rosacea. “We want our patients to look as good as they feel and be comfortable and confident in their own skin,” Veronica says. “We work closely with patients to create customized treatment plans to help them along their aesthetic journey.”
Veronica has recommendations for anyone looking to take good care of their skin: “We recommend a combination of medical-grade skin care products, in-office skin care treatments, and injectables to combat aging.” To help with fine lines and wrinkles, Veronica suggests getting neurotoxins every 3 to 4 months.

“We’ve always heard to wait until age 40 to start Botox treatments, but updated studies find that starting early is the key to prevention. We are now seeing patients in their early 20s getting baby Botox for wrinkle prevention,” she says, adding later, “Also, in our early 20s we start losing facial volume which consists of the loss of facial fat, collagen, and elastin.” She recommends gradually replacing volume loss using fillers and collagen stimulators. “It’s good to have filler checks every 6 to 12 months so you never really look different and you age gracefully.”
In addition to these recommendations, Veronica recommends using medical-grade skin care with high-quality Vitamin C, such as SkinCeuticals CE Ferulic, and a sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher every day. “What you do at home to take care of your skin is 80 percent of your anti-aging journey,” she says. She also recommends a facial or an in-office corrective skin care treatment every 4 to 6 weeks for optimal skin health.
If you’re not always satisfied with what you see in the mirror, Veronica encourages you to come in for a complimentary consultation with one of CREATE’s providers. During that appointment, they will go over your concerns and work with you on a treatment plan to CREATE your perfect look.
Create Medical Aesthetics 6311 Kingston Pike, Suite 28W Knoxville, TN 37919 (865) 309-0091
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