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Outdoor Lifestyle

Appalachian Trail Tales

Homer’s unstoppable spirit on the Triple Crown As we moved further into Virginia, the Shenandoah was in our sights. Frank Whitehead, my usual cohort, and I were ready to hit some more level ground. We were beginning to believe that the

Obed Treasure

Stories of the riches found in the ocean deep and on the side of East Tennessee cliffs Del Scruggs was in his twenties when he caught wind of what was going on in Florida. Whispers of buried treasure wafted up the hollers of East

Garden Revamp

Tips for getting started or adding to your existing green space For gardeners, spring is our time. We start our seedlings, get them into the ground, and care for them as they grow into something that will provide us either sustenance or

Plants with a Purpose

Native species help restore habitats and support the life that relies on them The pawpaws growing in Avi Askey’s yard help to feed the family in the house. And the Zebra Swallowtail butterfly, Tennessee’s state butterfly, relies on it

Surgical Precision

Sometimes all it takes is a fly rod and a quiet stretch of river to renew the spirit It is nearly noon, and I have temporarily retired my fly rod in favor of a camera, hoping to capture the moment. I stand behind my friend Edwin