Moving People

Chris McAdoo's paintings evoke feelings about different times and places Chris McAdoo believes that art has the ability to transport people to new places and new feelings. Perhaps that’s why so much of his work includes images of boats,

Spanning Philanthropy

East Tennessee Foundation pools resources, invests wisely and serves nonprofits in 25 counties Amy and Robert Cathey wanted to share with their three daughters the desire to give back to the Knoxville community. So they set up a fund

Glow and Gloom

Joe Parrott's oil paintings display his passion for light and shadow Certainly Joe Parrott inherited artistic abilities from both sides of his family. His grandfathers were painters and designers — one of them designed the first blade

Dampening the Noise

Shannon Deana Johnson conveys quiet with her work Inspired by nature, Shannon Deana Johnson aims to capture the feelings it evokes. “To me the world is a noisy place,” she says. “When I am outside I can experience a calmer, quieter

On Board

David Einwechter builds a business with colorful woodcraft and custom designs Tall slabs of rough-cut wood—walnut, cherry, pine, and others—stand at attention along one side of Dogwood Carpentry in Clinton. They’ll be carted off by