From the publisher

Everyone loves food. Some of us just seem to love it more than others. And that especially applies to certain types of foods. Growing up, I loved mac and cheese; to me it’s just one of those classics. So, when Sean Finley brought out appetizers during my duck hunting trip and announced that one of them was fried mac and cheese balls, well he had my attention.
I honestly knew better than to put one on my plate, much less take a bite. Like a drug, it was an instant addiction. But isn’t that what great chefs do? They create these wonderfully addictive taste creations that you just must come back for again and again. So, I will credit Sean with getting me inspired for the upcoming food issue. 

With COVID-19 and the changes that came along with it, there have been less opportunities to sample the creations of our local food geniuses. And last year, the pandemic caused the cancellation of our annual Top Chefs event, a real bummer for everyone. So, as I sat there marveling at Sean Finley’s creations, I was thinking about this year’s food issue. Was there any way we could hold the Top Chefs event and keep everyone safe? 

And then it hit me. If we couldn’t bring people together to experience the chefs, why not send the people to them?

All of the restaurants are doing everything they can to keep patrons safe, and they all want to compete for the title of Cityview’s Top Chef. So I decided, why not. And after a meeting with the staff and a few calls to chef friends, it was decided: while we wait for the dreaded COVID-19 to leave, we would hold this year’s event in the restaurants. Each chef will design their entrée and dessert entry and offer it to patrons as a special. Those who choose to try it will be able to vote and rate how they think the chef performed. You can expect to see each of the entries in advance of the publication this year. They will be online and on social media. Everyone who participates will be entered to win dinner for two at the winning chef’s restaurant. 

We hope you will all get out and visit the participating chefs to see just what they are cooking up this year! 

Bon Appetit.

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