5 Great Non-credit Classes to Take at UT


The spring semester has already begun for UT’s non-credit programs, but it’s not too late to get involved. Go to UTnoncredit.com for info and registration. Here are five possibilities to consider:

1. Stand-up comedy: a crash course

Receive the tools necessary for a stand-up comedian. Learn how to write your own material, essential performance techniques, tools for interacting with the audience as well as the business side of stand-up. Includes four opportunities to perform live.

2. Hardwood table making

Design and construct a small hardwood side table. The class covers design sketching, scale drawing layout, wood milling, joinery, shaping and finishing.

3. Artisanal calzones

Learn how to make herb-infused calzone dough, a scratch marinara sauce and fresh mozzarella cheese. The menu for the one-evening class includes a smoked duck, caramelized leek and spinach calzone and a capicola and roasted pepper calzone with marinara sauce.

4. Nature & travel photography

Learn how to capture the beauty of landscapes, wildlife and all aspects of nature.

5. Water features, gardens & fountains

Learn what water features will work for your landscape design, lifestyle and budget. Discussion will include planning, installation, maintenance, costs, plants and suppliers.

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