5 Things to Do Now to Make Thanksgiving Easy


1. Clean out the fridge.

No matter the size of your Thanksgiving gathering, you’ll need room in the fridge for a turkey and lots of fixins. Now’s a great time to get rid of expired items, organize what’s left, and wipe down shelves.

2. Make a plan.

Plan your menu and make a grocery list for the ingredients you’ll need to buy. A chore list with items assigned to various family members will also help the day go smoother.

3. Ask for help.

If you’re having guests, ask them to bring a dish. If you’re keeping it small this year, ask your family members to pitch in with setting the table, peeling potatoes or whatever needs doing.

4. Thaw the bird.

It seems to take forever to thaw a turkey. Set it in the fridge to start the process.

5. Shop.

Though it’s too early to buy perishables, there’s no reason you can’t cross most of the groceries off your list now. Go before the aisles get too crowded.

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