5 Facts About Talk Like a Pirate Day

Silhouette of pirate woman in a pirate hat and with a sword in hands over a evening cloudy sky background in sunset rays.

1. Ahoy, matey! International Talk Like a Pirate Day is Sept. 19.

We’re giving you a heads up a day early so you have time to prepare.

2. You can thank humor columnist Dave Barry for it.

Though Talk Like a Pirate Day was conceived in 1995, it wasn’t until Barry wrote about it in 2002 that it really took off. He dedicated a column to its publicity that September, turning it into a global sensation.  

3. Arrr! It’s a day to collect free loot.

On Talk Like a Pirate Day, you can dress up in your silliest pirate gear to get free stuff during promotions offered by the likes of Long John Silver’s and Chick Fil A.

4. Here are tips for talking like a pirate.

First, drop your “g’s” – as in sailin’ or drinkin’. Don’t pronounce your ‘v’s in words like “e’er” and “ne’er”. Replace ‘you’ with ‘ye.’ Throw in an “Arrr!’ every so often, along with the old reliable ‘ahoy, matey,’ not to mention ‘shiver me timbers!’

5. And finally, a pirate joke…

Q: How much did the pirate pay for his piercings?
A: A buck-an-ear.

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