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Aspen Contracting

Deep Community Roots With national level resources and local level customer service, Aspen Contracting is updating East Tennessee homes with quality and care Ask Kelly Judd, Sales Manager for Aspen Contracting, why his company towers

Pannell Construction

Respecting What Came Before Alongside trusted partners, Knoxville’s Pannell Construction brings the present to the sites of historic projects while never forgetting their impact Isaac Pannell, owner of Pannell Construction in

Hunting with Warriors

Time spent in nature alongside Tennessee veterans reminds us all to slow down, be present, and appreciate all we have It’s a little after 5:30a.m. The day is pleasant and we have settled into our ground blind. To my left is Jason

The Jury Trial

“In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy theright to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury . . . .” Sixth Amendment of the United States Constitution Don’t you just love our federal constitution and how our

Finally Home

Veterans experience a day like no other on an HonorAir Knoxville flight Standing near the intersection of the two sloping, black-granite walls that form the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC, on a sunny April afternoon, Eddie

Get Outside in East TN!

Nothing says summer quite like getting outdoors and experiencing all that our region has to offer—and that doesn't just mean hiking and camping in the Smokies or fishing and kayaking in the Holston and Tennessee rivers. We're talking