Yearly Archives


The Best Ever

I have noticed that people love lists. They especially love lists about what others think are the very “best.” “The Best 25 Places to Retire,” or “The Top Ten Places to Hide From the Police,” for example. I recently read an article…

Authentic Agrarian

When Mary and Stanley Griffin were designing their Agrarian-style home in Arcadia, they tapped into the origins of Agrarian design, when homes were built with local wood and stone. These homes are an acknowledgement of their place, and are…

Happy Holidays

I love Christmas—the music, the mood, the holiday celebrated by Americans in unique and individual ways different from my own. I mean, I don’t hang lights from the gutters, but I’ve seen it done well; I don’t put a crèche out front, but…

Robert Earl Keen

Robert Earl Keen will be coming to town with his “Merry Christmas from the Family” tour on December 8th at the Tennessee Theatre. Keen, or REK as he’s known, talked to us in late August about the song, the tour, and a smattering of other…

The Equifax Debacle

In case you have been on a deep mediation retreat for the past few weeks, let me bring you up to speed on one item:  We have suffered perhaps the single greatest breach of security of individual Americans in history. Equifax is a consumer…