5 Things to Clean Out Before the Holidays


The food. The gifts. The decorations. It’s all heading our way and will be here before we know it! Here are five ways you can keep ahead of the clutter!

1. Clean out the fridge.

Try to pack turkey leftovers and all the trimmings into a refrigerator that’s already overfull. Can’t be done. Tidy it up before Thanksgiving.

2. Clothes that don’t fit.

If the kids are too tall for last year’s jeans, or if you have a closet full of things you can’t wear (or don’t like), make room for some gifts and/or the after-Christmas sales!

3. Toys your kids have outgrown.

They’re too old for Candyland and their puzzles are missing pieces. Thank them for their service and say goodbye.

4. Kitchen tools taking up space.

Are your kitchen drawers so full you can’t unearth a spatula when you need it? Some of that stuff is just crowding you out. Share it with someone who might need it.

5. Holiday decor you don’t use.

If there’s old centerpieces or mantel decs or whatever hanging around that you simply don’t drag out, drag them off someplace else.

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