All Occasion Catering


A One Stop Catering Shop

You can picture it, can’t you? Your boss tasks you with spearheading your company’s 50th anniversary celebration for your 300 employees and their families. The tasks race through your mind: decorations, food, celebratory accents, music, the venue. The list rolls on and you wonder how, even with an event committee, you will possibly be able to get it done.

But then, relief. A company comes along and says it can do it all for you and do it successfully—all you have to do is guide them. It seems almost too good to be true.

Right here in Knoxville, that company exists: All Occasion Catering.

All Occasion Catering is that one stop shop for all types of events, from the 30-person breakfast to the 7,000-person corporate celebration. They are committed to providing the best service possible for all clients and that’s evident in how much they’ve expanded in the last decade, growing in sales anywhere from 8 to 12 percent each year.

“We first meet with the client’s committee where they throw out ideas and what they want it to look like,” says Kelly Webster, Event Sales Manager at All Occasion Catering. “Actual event logistics are a huge portion, and, honestly, we do a really good job of pulling everything together.”

The All Occasion Catering team drafts plans based on those initial client conversations and then heads out for venue visits, drafting layouts and determining unique aspects such as where the catering will go so that it will be out of site and unobtrusive for event goers.

“We present all of this and more to the client and work with them on their budget,” Webster says. “We work to solidify vendors, work with bands, pull together ideas, and we know how to make things easier on clients and their planning process.”

Each menu is created specially for each client. “Some people think customization costs more, but that’s what we do for every client,” Webster says. “We have tons of menu options.”

From menu and venue to everything in between, clients trust the All Occasion Catering team to make their events happen, large-scale corporations and nonprofits included.  “We love to work with nonprofits in creating the best event we can for them so that at the end of the day, they are making money from their event to support the great work they’re doing.”

The All Occasion Catering team looks forward to the times when clients come back, year in and year out, entrusting their event in All Occasion Catering’s hands. “We’ve developed relationships with these folks, so it’s just a quick phone call for them to be able to enjoy the event and not be hassled with the details,” Webster says.

That’s just it. All Occassion Catering is much more than a catering company or an event firm; it is a place for relief when it comes to the details of event planning. And in creating that relief and rapport, they are building up business relationships in the community, making it a model for how businesses interact.

“We always want to be ambassadors to our city and work with others to make Knoxville better so that we all can build partnerships together. 

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