Resourceful Tailgaters

Dear Knoxonomist: I’ve been a Vol fan my entire life, and my blood runs orange! But I grew up with parents from a non-football town, and we didn’t attend the games. As a freshman last year, I fell in love with everything about going to…


These days, we seem to disagree on many more things than we used to, or at least it appeared that way to us before we began making a list of what folks from this part of Tennessee do agree on: that Knoxville’s restaurants are better than…

Ablaze with Color

As spectacular as many destinations in the Smoky Mountains can be, Gregory Bald holds a special place in the hearts of many hikers for its unique beauty. The bald has an intriguing and disputed history. One story is that, during the Civil…

Next Stop, Agave

If you’re interested in tequila and want to visit its home—the Mexican state of Jalisco, the only place where tequila is legally allowed to be made—you’ve got to do it right, aboard the Tequila Herradura Express, a luxury train dedicated…