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Smart Home

Options for high-tech home updates areendless — and improving It’s 10 o’clock at night. My son is sleeping in his crib upstairs, and my husband has fallen asleep in the recliner. I remember I left my workout gear in the car, so I unlock

Get out!

Outdoors education helps our kids grow in so many ways More now than ever before those who have an interest in learning about the outdoors find it difficult to make connections with people to teach them. This is especially true when it

Your Pet’s Vet

What to consider when choosing veterinary care The holiday season is upon us, and there is no better gift to give your pet than proper veterinary care. Pets can’t tell you in words when they feel bad so you need to be prepared when the

Gifts Locally Crafted

Give a gift that supports our community When you give a gift you bought on Amazon, your money ends up far, far from home. Probably as far as China. When you give a gift from a chain department store, some of it stays here to pay staff

Through My Lens

Arriving on the scene for a portrait shoot, as I have done thousands of times, I am greeted by a friendly group of people. I am happy, the weather is nice, the folks are relaxed, attractive and reasonably fit. All in all, it looks to be an