Yearly Archives


Resistance to the Death?

The Tennessee Democratic establishment has the potential in 2018 to “resist” its way into continuing its decades-long slow sinking. The evidence? As of this writing the TDP’s website’s home page urges visitors to “Join the Resistance,” the…

Put Upon Pat

Dear Knoxonomist: Over the summer, I fulfilled one of my dreams and bought a pickup truck, a beauty with a V-8, extended bed and liner, tie downs, assist steps—all the bells and whistles. Thing is, not two days after I took her home, my…

Keepin’ It Real

Resolutions are infamous for not working. Many of us don’t make them, or are so disheartened when hearing them that we roll our eyes as we think, “Ugh, right, that’s not going to happen!” Whenever we make a resolution or promise, there is…

That Accident Just Cost You!

Most of us know that Tennessee law requires all drivers to have a certain amount of insurance coverage to pay for harms and injuries that result if they cause a car collision. Since 1977, the law has said we all have to have a minimum of…


On the cover of our September/October issue, we featured Phillip Fulmer in his new role as Special Advisor to University of Tennessee President Joe DiPietro. We were glad to have him back in an official role at UT. In our…

The Language of Love

Love. It feels like a troublesome topic to tackle—even in February. So let’s begin simpler, with a chair. If I were to set a chair in front of you and ask you to write a definition of it without using the word itself, you might describe…

Positive Exposure

As with any art form, a photographer tells stories, explores ideas, and evokes emotion by knowing the rules well enough to bend them. Lines, angles, shadows, color, composition, light source, background—these all come into play. And the…