The Waiting

Transitions between election and taking office are similar to decorating the stage for a theatrical production: do it badly and your play is going to cost more, take longer, require re-staging, and cause a cascading set of other headaches.…

Facebook Manipulation

Dear Knoxonomist: On Facebook, many of my friends make very emotionally manipulative posts. “If you are truly my friend,” they say, “you’ll share my post.” Frankly, I find this tactic an eye-rollingly pathetic plea for attention. How…

Snow Tubing

Tennesseans, and Knoxvillians specifically, know all too well that winter weather can be unpredictable—a decent snowfall can be rare and a “White Christmas” is almost unimaginable. Luckily, you don’t have to travel to Colorado or West…

The Right Representation

In selecting a lawyer, the first thing you should do is make sure you are selecting a lawyer whose primary area of practice is in the area of your need. The legal profession does not have clear specialty differentiations, as opposed to…

Matthew Cummings

Glass sculpture artist Matthew Cummings, owner of Pretentious Glass Company, has found that it is much more rewarding to get your art into the hands of many rather than few. “After drinking a little too much one day, because that’s when…

Chosen to Be Santa

When Gatlinburg’s Santa Pat was young, Christmas was very different. There were many small independent Christmas shops, specialty stores, and year-round Christmas shops like his own: Santa’s Claus-et. “Our store here is partly for us…

Spicing Up SoKno

In the early 1900s, a streetcar line was extended across the Gay Street Bridge and along the waterfront to the planned suburb of Island Home Park. Around that time a Craftsman-style home was built at 1147 Sevier Avenue, just where it bends…


What’s more American than apple pie? Not much, the old phrase would have you believe. But regardless of whether your choice is apple, cherry, or some rare pie-in-the-sky you could easily find cooling on a your grandmother's window sill,…

Be of Good Cheer

During the Protestant Reformation, Henry VIII broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and, in 1534, declared himself as King to be the “supreme leader” of the Church of England. In 1630, during the reign of Charles I, the Puritans, who…