Grocery Gamble

Navigating nutrition requires attention and a commitment to better choices A trip to the grocery store is a veritable stew of decision-making. Broccoli or beans for dinner. Fresh or frozen fruit. Wheat, white, or rye bread. Beef or

Tip of the Spear

Service as a U.S. Marine helped Bob Sparks rise from rural Appalachia to a life of business and personal success When Bob Sparks enlisted in the U.S. Marines in 1961, the 17-year-old out of southwest Virginia’s Appalachian Mountains

Metal Work: Blacksmiths

Knoxville makers find flexibility is steel’s greatest strength Ask the average Joe to describe steel and expect to hear some of these words: Cold. Hard. Tough. Unyielding. But ask the men and women in Knoxville who use steel and

Breaking Bland

Knoxville’s newest design star, Mary Welch Fox, brings her out-of-the-box approach to interior design to HGTV Knoxville native Mary Welch Fox had been looking for that big break. An interior designer who prides herself on

A House Divided

Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it Deep divisions exist in America. The states are no longer united. Morality and economy are in conflict. The year is 1850, and the country is in crisis. What brought a nation

Burger Battle

Testing out some local takes on an American classic Burgers are my second favorite food ever. (Watch this space for a future food battle to find out my favorite). Few things are more American than the classic hamburger. Add cheese,